So walking along my road down to a little secret lane, that takes us to a major road which we have to cross, so look both ways. Then down the little lane by the river, but keep a look out cause we don't want to miss the path up the hill.
At the top of the hill we can look down at the large pond, we see ducks, a couple of swans and a couple of jays fly past us.And we can see the Roaches in the distance shrouded in mist.
We enter into the town's park, past the duck pond. It's been cleaned up in recent years, for a long time it was full of rubbish. Today we'll only see one glass bottle bobbing about on the water's surface.
Once past the formal garden into the wild wood, with trees that look like they might just use their hands to grab you if you're there on dark night.
Some of the trees are down and growing wonderful fungus.
Now going up the hill to the fields and there they are, the lovely donkeys. There are four mother donkeys with four little ones. They are all so sweet. They poke their heads through the gate to have their noses stroked.
Down through the woodlands to yet another lake, this one wild and overgrown. We need to take a breath here as this is the last flat bit before a huge hill which will leave us breathless. But when we get to the top we'll be at the back of the town, so we can go into the Wednesday market and check out the wonderful vegetables for sale. But no point buying any as won't be here tomorrow to eat them.
So into the chippie for a sit down lunch, I'll stick to fish and chips but you can have mushy peas with yours if you want. Then we'll walk home through the old graveyard and down the snickert, that's so steep and treacherous in the winter, past the allotments. All those lovely things growing, down to the wild flower meadow planted in a small patch of waste ground. it's full of pink, red, yellow and blue flowers all flowering in chaotic abundance.
We're less than a mile from home now. Once we get in I'll stick the kettle on and you can get your boots off, stick your feet up and we'll have a biscuit of two with our coffee before you have to go.
PS my computer is playing up and won't let me leave comments on some blogs on my roll. So it's not that I haven't been and tried to say something it's just technology being awkward!
What a romantically beautiful part of this magical planet you live on. I am quite envious. It is supposed to be in the high 90's here today and it's bringing me down. How I would love to go for that walk with you and eat some chippy chips and when it's over I would celebrat with two mint Viscounts or my favorite - a Topic!
Really interesting and well written, but at first I thought it was a real invitation!
Well, for me it felt like a real walk, too! When we crossed the big street I had to watch out especially, because I am used to turning my head LEFT first! How the donkeys were sweet! I will send Shiny over here to stroke their muzzles. The fish and chips were yummy, too, and I must admit, after coming home and taking my boots off, I can eat again more than two biscuits! Thanks so much, Mandy, that was lovely!
Aaahhhhh...what a wonderful walk we all had, Mandy! Thank you for being our guide to your beautiful part of the world.
Oh I enjoyed this walk so much, thank you for inviting me along, and yes, I will have the mushy peas with mine and the biscuit with the cuppa back at your's.
*kicking off the work heels*
Sure wish I'da had a clue about the terrain before the walk. LOL Ah, but it was beautiful--and the duckies and bitty donkeys were my favorite-est part! (betcha coulda guessed that one!)
Yes, please--chips....pass on the fish and mushy pea stuff. *shudder*
Oh....coffe would work GREAT.
Just sayin'. LOL
I enjoyed the photos and your beautiful writing.
Thank you for inviting me along on the walk - I enjoyed every minute of it! And I would have a hard time leaving those adorable donkeys behind! :)
This is what I love. The simple pleasures. It was the next best thing to actually being there Byrdie. Thanks for the invite and the well-deserved cuppa in your beautiful part of the world.xx
Oh I did enjoy this walk and the fish and chips were a real treat!
I've had the same probs today with technology but our walk was wonderful. Thank you Byrdie.
Ah, lovely, and have just enjoyed a walk with Geli too! Think though, that I must now get out into the breezy spring sunshine! :-)
Thanks for the beautiful outing. You live in a wonderful place. I love the trees!
I did enjoy that walk and two of my loves.... donkeys and fish and chips...tea and biccies too...
Nicely done post. I love your new profile picture, too. Made me laugh. Keep it up! BTW, I am poking my head out of the ashes, too. Hard work some days, ain't it?
an enjoyable walk, loved the donkeys, (and the fungus, good texture pic)
thank you for taking us along.
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