Saturday, 12 June 2010

Anyone interested in a beautiful world blog?

I've just had a thought!
I was reading Listen to your Mother, who has put up a very beautiful video of pictures of the earth.
And in my comment I suggested that the pictures were bit overdone for my liking, and that I prefered pictures done of places people live and find beauty.
This also ties in with a suggestion from Pamela on the Spiritual Collective , who suggested a while back we should put a picture up a week.
Unfortunately I'm closing down the Collective at the end of the month as it hasn't been used enough and it has to start being paid for.

Here comes my thought.....
Would anyone be interested in starting a beautiful world blog, one where as often as we are able we put pictures of where we go. Not holiday snaps per se, but nature shots. Or pictures of where we live if we think it it beautiful, everything from the woodland walk to a city skyline, a squirrel in a garden, to a lion in the bush.
The only criteria would be that the person who submitted the picture had to have taken it.

The blog would be open to everyone to become a member of it, whether that person was a regular contributor or an occasional one.

I would have no idea how to set this up with multi members, but I expect setting it up will be following the blogger instructions. We would have to ensure some sort of editorial control (how???) cause I for one wouldn't want unsuitable pictures sneaking in if you get my drift!

But if everyday there was one or a dozen pictures it wouldn't matter They would be saying this is our world and it is important to us from all corners of the globe, and then tell people on our blog rolls then we just increase the message about being aware of mother earth and her finite resources that are under so much pressure.

Anyone else interested?


BenefitScroungingScum said...

Lovely idea! I probably wouldn't contribute on a regular basis, but I'd love to share deathwalking photos there. BG Xx

Miss Robyn said...

yes, I will play but can't promise regular photos until we pack & move.. [and it is easy to have multiple authors on a blog, if you need any help let me know xo]

Mel said...

Oh!! *waving wildly*

I met such wonderful folks on a weblog that was simply photographs of awesome things.

Yes, please! :-)

Rosaria Williams said...

Great Idea! However, just as I signed up for the Collective, and have been way too casual about it, people tend to be enthusiastic at first, then they get sidetracked.

Maybe, you can start the ball rolling on any one day: Where I live on Sunday, kind of post, and invite others to post similar things. Just a thought.

TALON said...

It is lovely to see beautiful shots and remind ourselves that it's everywhere around us. I've never done a blog with multiple people so I wouldn't have a clue how to do it, but I'd love to participate.

Angela said...

This sounds like a lovely idea, but somebody must be in charge of it, right? I mean, if thousand people contributed, who would say which pictures come first? I am not good with carrying out such computer things, but Miss R said she is, so, Miss R, can you help? I would love to send some pictures of our Baltic Sea, in summer and winter, and of my ducks, and the gnome park, and the old shattered castle from 1575 - anything I have taken! Just tell me when and how!

Ronjazz said...

Sure! I'll share as much of Chicago as possible. Sounds like a fun idea.

Merry ME said...

I'm not good at commitment, but I love the idea and will enjoy seeing all the places. I'll contribute when I can.

I barely know how to do my own blog. I wouldn't be much help with another one.

I'm hoping this surge of creativity means you're feeling better.

Zan said...

Great idea Mandy!
Count me in =)


wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

It's a great idea. I have no idea how to set it up, and I never go anywhere so I won't be able to contribute photos. But I'd love to look at everyone else's.

Von said...

Love it, those who don't go far will have a lovely challenge and others will too! Win/win!
Easy enough to set up, you can moderate and reject anything unsuitable.Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Merry Me.I struggle along with my own blog sometimes but would certainly like to look at others uplifting beautiful world contributions. Good luck with this Mandy.It's a lovely idea and I hope it comes to fruition.xx

nitebyrd said...

I would love to be able to have a reason to find beauty where I live!

As long as I could be an irregular contributor, I'm game!

Miss Robyn said...

I think if you have a blog and want others to be able to post, there is a limit to 100 authors..

to read that you could get a thousand people is a very daunting thought.. maybe just have something where people post on their own blog and link to a weekly theme? I know it was on blogland awhile back by Mrs Nesbitt.. she had quite a group going.. weekly posting on their own blogs.. I think she did and alphabet thing.

Beatnheart said...

Hi Mandy, My email was just a response to you asking if I was interested in your photo blog and I said “yes” I would be interested so count me in on that..Perhaps I’ll come round more than I did with your other blog that I see is sadly shutting down..Sometimes it is hard just to keep up with my followers and responding to comments..How do people with 100 comments a day do it??

Anil P said...

Liked the idea. :-)

Sage said...

I would love to try and participate, I find it easier to blog than to participate in lots of things such as social networking sites which seem to have a high amount of users but little viable traffic. Nice idea to have pics xx xx

Jennifer said...

Just read your latest post, but I'd be interested once you get it going! Take care of yourself first!