Monday, 14 June 2010

beautiful world blog

Wow I think I'm on to something here!
What a fantastically great response to a beautiful world blog of photographs.
So what I'm going to do is email or leave messages on blogs along the lines I'm thinking along and if people agree then I'll set up a new blog with those people who have said they want to be contributors.
This won't be a definitive list of contributors just the start ones as I would like this to remain open till we have a world wide nucleus.
So far people in Canada, America x 4, Australia, Ireland, England x 4, Germany, and India have expressed an interest in being involved.
Thanks for your inputs so far and once I've sorted it out all those involved will hopefully put up a link to the new blog and we can spread the word.


Merry ME said...

Isn't the creative process fun!
Go for it girlfriend!

TALON said...

That's amazing! It's such a great idea! I'm glad you thought of it, Mandy. It's going to be a beautiful blog.

Zan said...

=) I'm glad you've gotten such a great response.
I'm loving the idea, and for me it'll become a personal challenge as I'll try and broaden my photography gallery!


Mel said...

Poppies! I love poppies. :-)

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

It sounds like a wonderful idea! How do I get on board?

Von said...

Love it, glad you're making progress!

Anonymous said...

Such great news Mandy! Am looking forward to seeing this take off.

Angela said...

How do I add the link to my blog? Shall I send you my best photos? How are we going to do it?

karen said...

Hi Mandy.. I would love to join in with it, as I am hoping to have a bit of time for being online once again - yay!!

In the meantime, as you know, I read every one of your posts even if I have been offline for a month, so I am busy catching up, not yet finished! I last read your blog when you were stuck in Poland, so as you know there is a lot for me to read..

great to be back, take care - love from africa x

Ronjazz said...

So are we simply sending our pics to you and you put them on the blog? I'm ready!!!

nitebyrd said...

Glad you've gotten such a good response! I already have a couple of pictures for you and am looking at my area a bit differently now!