I've been thinking about why I wasn't getting excited about Christmas, and all the usual answers came up, as in age, amount of effort and all sorts of boring answers.
Then this morning I woke up at 6.30 knowing I had to get up and go to Sainsbury's and whadda yer know I was excited, really excited about going shopping. And shopping for food at that!!! I think it was to do with it still being very dark and so early it felt a challenge to be leaving the house at 7am to do the half hour drive to the supermarket of choice. It had been open from 6am. By 8am I'd finished my shopping and decided I deserved breakfast so went to the cafe for a full English breakfast, which is a very rare thing for me to indulge in.
By 9am I was home and still excited, so I set to and made a ton of pastry before hitting the shops again, this time for such diverse things as birdseed for the garden birds, a whole pile of dollars and a new lipstick for me!
Back home to make 2 dozen mince pies, and then the real excitement of the day as I went to Stoke station to pick up my eldest son....... Now I know why I woke up so happy!!
So putting him in front of said mince pies I popped out to meet a mate for a present exchange.
Now I get to cook prawn curry for both my boys before they hit the hotspots of town.... as if we had any. And I get to wrap their presents in their absence.
And what has really made me cheerful to day is that a lot of the shops I've been in recently haven't had any fruit gums, the sweets that both my sons adore, and the local newsagent had 14 packets and now I have them! Ready to help Father Christmas put in their stockings. The same stockings I have told them they are both too old for and really they can't expect F.C. to keep visiting at their age.... YES!
What occurred to me today is how I find the Christmas magic and it's in getting food and making it from scratch, it gives me so much pleasure. So tomorrow when I'm listening to carols on the radio I'll prepare the vegetables and start making the apple trifle, and no doubt I'll be as happy as I have been today sifting the flour and fats when I made the pastry.
Which made me think about what made the magic for me as a child, and even then it was the simple things, like the sparkly plastic high heels that just had two strips of elastic over them to keep them on. And if I got a pair of those I was so happy.
Getting an Advent Calender, that one hasn't changed I still have to have one as you can see by the photograph.
Putting my empty stocking on my bed and once Father Christmas had been, even when I knew who it was really, the excitement of feeling that strange weight on the end of my bed.
My sister coming into my room and climbing into bed with me and us opening our stockings together only to be yelled at by our parents to go back to sleep.
The eating of the same breakfast that had to be consumed before anyone was allowed a present. My children and I hold the same tradition of eating a piece of home cooked ham on toast before anyone is allowed in the sitting room
And so on through the day. It is these little things that made up family life that made my Christmas and still do. I have very few recollections of the presents I got. I just remember the lovely Christmas atmosphere that went on till the evening. When we could collapse in front of the television. Which I suppose explains why Christmas evening is the low point of the day.
I wish anyone who reads this a really HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a Wonderful New Year.
And even if that time is spent alone, I can only recommend what I do times I'm alone like New Year, and that is to plan little treats for yourself through the day. Whether those are simple pleasures like a bubble bath or a walk, to a half a bottle of champagne, possibly drunk whilst in the bath.... well it works for me!
We are all part of the same world whatever are creed or religion and I wish for peace between us all and tolerance of difference and not fear for the following year.
Merry Christmas Fire Byrd. I have enjoyed your visits and comments and have fun visiting here. Have a wonderful festive season with your sons. It is indeed the silly season, and I'm sure there will be lots of laughs and good times at your house.
Sounds like you're well and truly set up for a lovely Christmas, and I hope you and your sons have one.
I'm on my own today (by choice) but have been out for a long walk, which has made me tired but content. Tomorrow I head up to Derbyshire, and I'm looking forward to it.
Much peace to you x
Merry Christmas Byrd and thanks for a lovely bubbly post.
Glad I found you..xx
Happy Christmas hun....hope it is wonderful in every way! x
Lovely,lovely,lovely...and I wish the same for you Dear Byrd. Yes! it is all those things you say, the little things that come together to make this time so special. Many blessings and joy to you and your sweet family!
Merry Christmas!
xxx Lori
my dear friend Pixie - to you I wish a wonderful Christmas, full of love & peace... enjoy that champagne in the bath! remember to light a candle too.. and here i am summer time in Australia, where it is supposed to be hot but we have a misty cold day.. maybe tomorrow will bring snow.. who knows xo
Wishing a gorgeous Christmas to you and your family - I hope you get a pair of plastic heels - I would have loved those as a kid too! x
thanks for such a wonderful feel-good experience, which reading this was for me! Nothing better than having those boys both at home, and finding their favourite fruit gums, what a bonus!Loved your nostalgic childhood Christmas memories. and Amen to the wishes in your last paragraph... Have a wonderful special time! x
Awwwwwwwww........what a lovely post.
Left me all warm and gooshy.
(((((((((((( the byrdie )))))))))))
Happiest of Holidays to you and yours, ma'am.
Bake, cook, giggle and love bunches!
I'm so glad you woke up in the mood for the holiday today. That darned old holiday is going to come around every year whether we like it or not, so we all might as well just let it unload its magic and be a part of it!
I know you and your sons will have a fine time. I am myself with Katy my grand daughter and my son Max.
Thanks so much for coming around and reading and chatting with me, Fire Byrd. I have enjoyed your support and friendship so much this year.
You know what I think. So I'll just offer a huge, loud "Merry Christmas" and hope you hear it.
I like most of the memories that Christmastime brings. My children still LOVE their stockings best. My Jewish son-in-law is very into the stockings so he's had a special one for several years.
Holy Cow! 24 pies! You were a baking fool, Byrd!
My best wishes to you and yours for a very happy Christmas!
Oh Byrd!
it all sounds so wonderful. makes me take a moment to enjoy the sweet simple things.
May your blessings be in abundance, may your home be filled with laughter and love, and may your hearts desire find you, in the new year.
You are loved.
so very much!
Skipping through the blogosphere to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the festive season!
Enjoy the cooking, the carols and the sharing and have a wonderful time! xxx
Its the simple things that make for a happy feeling
Merry Christmas to you and yours
Happy Christmas to you, Byrd!!
*sending hugs and peaceful thoughts*
A belated merry Christmas from me. I hope that you had a smashing time.
without doubt I have the best blog mates in the blogosphere!
I hope you all had as good a time as I did in your different ways.
Now let get doing to next year!
Big miseltoe kisses all round
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