Dreams, start like wisps of cloud scudding across the sky.
They come into your mind unasked and take shape.
They flit and flame through our hearts and souls
Taking no account of the minds they disturb
The fluffy optimistic ones
The dreams that set your mind on fire
Aspirations, hope and joy that light your day aglow with love
That fill every waking moment
The rain filled clouds gathering in the sky
The dreams that seem so out of reach
The stretching for the stars, unable to grasp the light hidden from view
The drive to make them tenable and part of our future
The clouds that make a winters day grey from dawn till dusk
The ones you dread happening, that feel more like nightmares than dreams.
Scared and lonely alone to deal with pain and anguish.
The ones we know we must face, but would do anything than that.
All dreams and dreads that make ours days
The impossible happiness of love
Ambition driving us forward to achieve
The life we lead and want to escape
The need for balance then, to take a breathe
To get perspective
To be as we can be when our dreams become us.
That is what I want today
Beautiful x
"light your day aglow with love" would be a lovely mantra. I enjoyed this very much fire byrd, thanks for sharing.
simmering this one for a while
thanks for the peek into your heart sweet
beautiful! thanks xx
You really are so good with words hon x
I like it .......
Pure beauty*
Lots, lots to consider here, Byrd. I love it when someone makes me think.
Such beautifully written, fire byrd. As you know, I an seemingly steeped in dreams these days. I felt like this could be just for me.
That's beautiful Byrd..xx
Thank you
cat x
lori x
sorrow x
val x
trixie x
nicey x
hele x
ron x
anya x
rae x
k....that left me warmly happy.
And this....is a very good thing!
Thank you, ma'am.
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