Sunday, 12 December 2010

Bopping the night away

Finally the weather, at least for the moment has cleared. Which meant that I could go out and play!
So last night was the Christmas 'Do' with my work colleagues. A turkey dinner followed by dancing.
A good practise run for my proper dance class 'Do' next weekend.
So I spent almost three hours non stop on the dance floor except for quick top of water levels. Couldn't do either salsa or rock'n'roll no one else knew the steps. But those I will be doing next week. But just happily bopped the night away.
Which I feel pretty proud of,I'm not the oldest at work, but I was the one person consistently on the dance floor. All the other dancers didn't have my stamina. So not bad for an old un! I saw off all the twenty and thirty somethings.
I got the usually reticent but very merry docs dancing much against their better judgement.
And I didn't look bad in my repro vintage rock'n'roll dress with it's piles of petticoats.
Amazingly I didn't get home till 1.30 in the morning, unheard of me who likes being in bed at 10.30.
And this morning my feet are aching a bit, but nothing else.
So lets here it for life disasters making you pick up your life and make it work healthier! Cause I'm fitter now at 56 then a lot of people half my age and certainly fitter than I was when I was half my age!
Roll on next Sunday dancing which will follow a long walk hopefully on the Saturday. Oh and of course three hours dance class on Tuesday. Bring it on!


Angela said...

You look sooo pretty in your dance dress and your long hair, Mandy! Dancing Queen for sure! And the shoes, too, so lovely. I bet they all had fun swinging you around. Good luck for next week. Yes, your longs walks sure have made you fit. If everybody would follow you, we`d have much less aching older people with diabetes and hanging shoulders!

Zan said...

I am glad you had so much fun! And I absolutely LOVE the dress, it's fabulous and you look stunning in it!


janis said...

How fabulous! You are GORGEOUS! I love your dress. Also your smile♥ Last night I too went to a Christmas dinner. Very happy to have fit nicely in my dress. No dancing though :( My Hubby doesnt dance, therefore I really havent in 20 + years as well.
Merry Christmas♥

Paula said...

The Beauty of the Night!

Helen said...

Mandy! May I add you look HOT?

Merry ME said...

You go, Girl!
It sounds like you had a "rockin'" good time. I don't know how you walked in those shoes, let alone danced!

I have to ask - did the petticoats come with the dress? Lots of itchy netting? Or did you have to go out and buy them somewhere? Where or where does one find crinolines in this day and age?

I'm so glad you had a good time.

P.S. Your snowy pictures are beautiful.

Angel said...

You look wonderful, and so happy! That is a great dress! I'm glad you had fun and good on you for dancing the feet off the youngers.

TALON said...

You look beautiful, Mandy. Red suits you! And so does dancing! Nothing is finer than having the energy to do what you want to do and dancing is fun!

Lyn said...

Mandy - it's absolutely heartwarming to hear of you having fun and seeing you look so happy and fab. Dancing has a way of lifting our spirits and unleashing our inner teenager! I bet you showed them all up. Enjoy!!

Cait O'Connor said...

Strictly has almost made me yearn to learn to dance..
You look lovely in the photo.

Mel said...

You GO, girl!!!!

*chuckling* Feel free to show up those 20/30 year olds any day of the week!

(gotta love the shoes!)

Oh gosh.....I feel an ABBA song coming on!!!!!.....LOLOL

Sorrow said...

You look smashing! You look happy and radiant and full of fun! This just made me smile from ear to ear! So glad you are fit and having fun! Much love!

GaynorB said...

Mandy, you look fantastic!
In the words of Bruce Forsyth "keep........ dancing"

Marilyn & Jeff said...

You look so gorgeous! Keep having fun.

LindyLouMac said...

I love your dress, sounds like you had a great evening. :)

Beatnheart said...

you are one red hot mama who rocks the dance floor and puts the wee ones to shame...I’m lovin you more and more...

diney said...

You DO look gorgeous and full of confidence - I adore dancing too and am on the dance floor at any 'do' longer than most any of the young 'uns!!! Great exercise and so uplifting too isn't it? Pleased you had a ball :-)

Anonymous said...

Oooo I wish I could wear snazzy shoes like that - wear a dress like that - your beautiful hair - wow. Want to be in charge of my make-over? Wave the magic wand to make me stay awake after 10p.m.? You look stunning.

TALON said...

Just had to say that your header shot is breath-taking, Mandy! Shivery, too, but in the most beautiful way! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Did I let you go? *Shoots head*

Anonymous said...

wouldnt mind bopping the night away with you ;-)

Fire Byrd said...

Anonymous 1, if you hadn't let me go then I wouldn't be the dancing queen I am now!
anonymous 2, if you can salsa and rock'n'roll to a good standard then let me know!!

karen said...

Well done!! You do look fabulous.. good for you :)

Helen said...

Thanks for stopping by .. wishing you a very happy holiday season.

e said...

Wow! You look great in that dress! I hope the next "do" and dance class are as much fun for you!

Anonymous said...

Argentinian Tango,cuban salsa,Mambo and jitterbug i love but hey if you want to "Rock and roll lets go"