Tuesday, 30 November 2010

My garden today

I've had to have a snow day at home. It started snowing at 2am and hasn't really stopped yet. This is really unsual in England to get this level of snow and cold in November. It looks very bizarre on the trees with their autumn leaves still on covered in snow.
So instead of getting to work I'm talking to my clients on the phone which has meant that I've also been able finally to sort out the mound of paperwork that has been building up since April for me to have the time to sort. The type of job I can always put off. But today it felt like part of earning my keep by getting my affairs up to date.
Taking a break between tasks I've just nipped out into the garden and taken some shots of the snow for you to see.

Winter berries

Sunlight on the roses

Roof of snow

Anyone for a cold drink in the shade?


janis said...

How lovely! We use to get much snow between Thanksgiving & Christmas many years ago. Now we are lucky to get a White Christmas. It comes much later these current years.
It's kindof rainy & gloomy here this morning.
Have a Blessed Day♥

Merry ME said...

I love the look and feel of the first fresh snowfall. You've captured the beauty of it.

Paula said...

Winter Fairies! all around you!

TALON said...

Beautiful, Mandy. That looks like the perfect day to tend to those things that stack up and never get tackled and then pause and look outside at a world transformed.

LindyLouMac said...

Beautiful, but hot chocolate please Mandy.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I'll pass on the cold drink but a lovely warm mug of cocoa topped with marshmallows on the bench sounds lovely.

Anonymous said...

here in The Netherlands we have snow too, very unusual and special in November. Thank you for sharing !!

Miss Robyn said...

I have heard that you have had lots of snow!! it must be just beautiful

Dragonfly Dreams said...

Lovely snow! However, I must have given you ours for November as we have just had a dusting (very unusual for here since it can, and has, snowed in September)! Enjoy the quiet and the beautiful sparkles and I'll take it back for Christmas, okay? :-)

trousers said...

I know that the snow caused some major inconvenience for you last winter and, if it's started like it means to carry on then there'll be more of the same - but I can't help but feel jealous at the thought of being unable to get to work and spending a cosy day indoors instead. x

Beatnheart said...

It’s cold here right now too. No insulation in these old Spanish Style houses. Brrrr.....Thank you so much for entering my GIVEAWAY! no worries...I will ship to England if you are chosen. It would be an honor for you to have one of my pieces.

Mel said...

Very good use of the snow day!
And wow....how cool you took a break to share it with us. :-)

Working from home isn't an all bad thing, huh? :-)

karen said...

Great - I love the holly! Perfect day to catch up with indoor stuff..