I've been in Abingdon in Oxfordshire for the weekend. It's about 8 miles from Oxford, not that I bothered going there, too many people in Oxford. I went to stay with my oldest friends. I've known them for 26 years. We first met when I lived in the same road that they still live in.
The weather was astonishing, after all the rain we've had recently. It was hot and wonderfully bright. We walked around the ruined Abbey grounds and down by the River Thames.
We went out for meals, and we talked and talked.
I got told off for not talking enough about myself when I finally did! I'd got all stewed up inside for days about pressures of my life and it took sitting around in our dressing gowns all morning for Wendy to get it all out of me. Then she gave me a huge hug for not letting it out when we've talked on the phone recently and for having to then spend a couple of hours this morning letting go.
So I consider myself told (again!) for being naughty and keeping stuff in.And not asking my friends for help when I need it.
Cause the result of not asking friends has been expensive as I've tried to shop my way out of my feelings. Which as to be expected didn't work at all. Although the new clothes do look fab!
And when I got back there were two lovely contacts from Sorrow and Robyn letting me know they'd been thinking of me.
I am truly blessed and loved and I should remember that when I screw myself up with pain.
So lesson learned this weekend, well at least for now!
Hope you like these few pics of my fantastic walk
LOVE that photo of you! BG Xx
Fab clothes on old pattern, he? Glad you got it out - finally! Was thinking of you and wondered what time you would be home. Wanted to hear all first hand ;-) Love the bit longer hair too. You look great. Have a wonderful start into your week. Love and hugs
Loved these photos!!! Years ago I visited friends in Abingdon (several times / they made the trek across the Pond as well) .. Clive and Dorothy Money, daughter Julie. I believe Clive has passed away but I sometimes think of them and wonder how mom, daughter and any little ones might be.
OH ... I enlarged your photo and all I can say is WOW, you are beautiful!
You are so beautiful, I loved this photo of yourself - all of your photos are so lovely. What a wonderful friend and fabulous place to go and unwind and 'talk' out all your thoughts and feelings. I am so happy for you - we should all have a friend like yours.
Mandy- it's good that you have good friends to lean on. We all need someone to talk with at some point(s) in our lives and I am sure you know this for yourself being the professional that you are. It's funny how we are so much better at taking care of others than ourselves, huh? Love the photos Mandy. Sending you hugs and wishes for a good week.
Wonderful photos, all of them, especially you! We all value so much friends that you can both laugh and cry with don't we, particularly friends that go back a long way.When we are younger we have no idea sometimes that these people will be so precious in our lives so many years on. Have a wonderful week dear Mandy.xx
Whoa.....absolutely gorgeous. You AND the places you got to walk. Holy moly....
And we're sooooo predictable in our own self sufficient ways!
Silly girl....
Returned to have another look ate this beautiful lady. BTW, got my hair cut today. Chinlong bobish. For the moment ;-) Love you
Some people find it hard to talk about themselves, especially if their lives aren't going as planned. I totally understand that. It's good you have a friend like Wendy who wants you to talk and will actually listen.
Abingdon looks positively lovely!
Sounds like a REALLY good friend to have and to have one you must be one, so you're both lucky. I'm lucky to see these lovely images from your walk - gorgeous.
I understand you well, Mandy, as I also much rather listen than let others see into myself. But we SHOULD do that, you are right! When our friends tell us we are NOT unusual or unloved, and that they remembered us from a long time ago, and that we can count on them - isn`t that a wonderful lesson to learn?!
Very nice pictures! Was commenting at another blog and saw your icon beside your comment and thought you might like to take a look at toemail!
True friends are worth their weight in gold! I'm glad that you had a lovely time and I bet your feeling lighter for having shared!
Great pics
C x
Good friends are a joy to have, and it sounds like you have one there. It's good to talk about yourself once in a while and let it all out rather than letting it all simmer and fester inside - very unhealthy. Now you must feel so much better - and lovely photos!
Lovely shots!
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