Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Another new blog!!!! How many do I need in life????

I seem to be on a roll telling this story, so rather than block this blog up with it I'm going to open yet another blog! ( A girl can't be too rich, too thin or have too many blogs!!!)
I am going to make it invite only as I realise that the story genre is not everyone's cup of tea. So if you want an invitation cause you want to know what happens next, and you will know as soon as I do as I haven't a clue what is going on! Then let me know and when I sort out the newest blog and work out how to make it invite only then I'll be able to send you an invitation.
Contact me at my usual email if you know it or at if not and I'll get back to you.


Beatnheart said...

Whoa!! well you do have a lot to share and I say why not! I have trouble with the one blog (and the photo blog) so if you can do it I say “Go Forth” best of luck from this side of the pond.

nitebyrd said...

Will you leave these parts here? I haven't had a chance to read yet but I know I'll want to continue once I do. :) So, in case you remove them, may I be invited?

Mel said...


You're an adventuresome spirit!

Ohhhhh...I can't wait to catch up with Elsie!

Carol said...

Once my Mum heads home I shall be back to have a read...and like Mel, I know that I will probably want to know what happens next so please include me :-)

C x

Cait O'Connor said...

Count me in please.