There are always endings and beginnings
Life is guaranteed to end
Something starts and we have hope
Something ends and we have pain
The baby cries when it is born
The family cry when we die
The circle is complete and starts again
The stork delivers the baby
The heron takes away the soul
Spring leaps out in luscious green
Winter brings decay and cold
And while we're here time passes increasingly fast
So we must take the time to stop, to breath
To take in the world around
To live each day as fully as we can
To love and laugh and hope
To cry and hurt
To feel our world, time is short
Treasure it, we have no other, we can prove.
I've loved this blog I truly have but like my words it's time for endings and possibly a new beginning.
I have tried so hard not to mind that so few people stop by here now.
I read all the blogs on my blog roll and wonder why some of them are so popular and I'm not. I write my heart out. I've tried to reach to others.
I have a very lonely life day to day, and here has been a life line.
I say to myself it doesn't matter if I don't speak to another person from Friday morning through till Monday morning I have here.
This place people will be my friend. But even the people who are my friends don't comment anymore.
Rarely do people contact me first, it's always me first.
Luckily for me I will be going away next week to spend time with my beloved real friend, so I can lick my wounds and think how I can make my life easier.
And also luckily for me there are a few people who I know will take the time to maintain the relationship we have.
Here despite my caring for it doesn't care for me any longer and that makes me very sad and lonely.
I will shut it down, but not until I've had time to make a record of my own words as I did last time.
So please don't bother to leave me any goodbye messages here. I had them all last time and most of them were as phony as hell in telling me how much I'd be missed.
If you are in my life somewhere other than this blog then I'm more than happy to keep that contact. But here is done
I loved your poem - I do hope that this isn't your last blog! Take care and enjoy being with your friend.
((((( the byrdie ))))))
Despite not wanting messages..I will miss your blog I have enjoyed it and I'm sad to see you go because I'll have no contact since this is the only way I 'know' you.Unless you're on Facebook?
I will only share one thing with you, my email address. Please use it .... and if you are so inclined, I would love yours. I am also on Facebook (not often) Helen Dehner. I think you are a pretty amazing woman!!!
Forgot to give you this!
Well, I've included your blog in my "follow" list. You won't let me down, I presume?
I don't have a follow list.. because I think they are dumb.
but you & I are friends outside of blogging so hopefully if you do stop blogging, then we will keep in touch.
I have emailed you with a reply anyhow.. so you know how I feel
sending love as always, Robyn
I emailed you before reading this in my google reader! I've been in a similarly isolated situation & I totally understand how it can feel. I hope this won't be your last blog & FB will rise from the ashes in a new form. BG Xx
Mandy, there are so often simple explanations for not hearing from friends. Like here, it is extremely hot and we all just hang around, drinking cold stuff. And apart from that, we are busily involved in our house selling, and this may be the case with everyone else - and yes, I must admit I have neglected blog pals and others, but I hoped they`d understand and wait for winter. Of course I will continue writing you mails (I have already cut out stork photos for you, have just not sent them yet).
Please do not feel like nobody cares. Go out like Reya described, she enters a bar in DC and gets to chat with strangers. It is easy (in America)- maybe not in England? Okay, more in my mail, but please, I do not want to see you sad! Smile your lovely smile again!!
I've only just found you and your blog and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. I'm sad that your packing it in but if you feel that it's something you have to do then that's what you have to do.
C x
Just popped by, since I'm on a summer break from blogging myself. So sorry to read about this, Mandy. I do understand, though, because I often feel the same. It is so easy to misunderstand words or intentions, or to feel slighted here on the blogs. I sometimes think I'm too sensitive to be here, myself. I'm much more comfortable one-to-one and face-to-face.
Wishing you well, always. Have a lovely visit with your friend.
Mandy {{{{hugs}}}} Please do not judge the number of comments you receive as to how much your blog is loved♥ I'm not well at the moment but I will certainly make sure I find the time to send an e-mail to you this weekend with my thoughts and feelings on this matter.
hangs head...
Haven't been around much...
sorry sweetie...
summer is not my best time for blogging..
I love you
Have a SAFE trip over the pond !
Rest yourself on that beautiful porch!
I must agree with Manchester Lass (and all the others), I feel pretty sure your blog is loved and read by many, with or without comments.
A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do. Please don't leave mad or sad. I for one will miss your words and your photos.
Hope your trip fills up all those empty holes and refreshes your spirit in a way "comments" can never do.
I must agree with Manchester Lass (and all the others), I feel pretty sure your blog is loved and read by many, with or without comments.
A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do. Please don't leave mad or sad. I for one will miss your words and your photos.
Hope your trip fills up all those empty holes and refreshes your spirit in a way "comments" can never do.
I must agree with Manchester Lass (and all the others), I feel pretty sure your blog is loved and read by many, with or without comments.
A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do. Please don't leave mad or sad. I for one will miss your words and your photos.
Hope your trip fills up all those empty holes and refreshes your spirit in a way "comments" can never do.
I must agree with Manchester Lass (and all the others), I feel pretty sure your blog is loved and read by many, with or without comments.
A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do. Please don't leave mad or sad. I for one will miss your words and your photos.
Hope your trip fills up all those empty holes and refreshes your spirit in a way "comments" can never do.
I'm sorry, Byrd. Although it does seem to be a common thread throughout the little piece of Blogland that I inhabit. I'm guilty of neglect myself.
I do have two theories on why some blogs are much more popular than others. I won't share here but will tell you. I think you'll agree!
Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy your friend and your time away.
Safe travels! (((HUGS!)))
Crikey♥ MerryMe times four. You are loved without a doubt Mandy♥♥♥♥
I've only just started to read your blog and have run the range of emotions as I have browsed it.
I am sorry that I haven't commented on it before now. I also live in Staffordshire and recognise a lot of the places in your photographs.
Have a wonderful holiday and I hope you return refreshed, and perhaps ready to give it one more shot, as you have a great deal to offer to others. You are direct, and you speak sense straight from the heart.
If not, I wish you more of the happiness and contentment you find at your best times.
I will still follow the photographs on your beautiful world blog.
Kind regards
I can relate. I felt very much like this when I shut my blog down a while ago. Or rather when I abandoned it. I get about two comments on my posts *sigh* I know more people read what I write, which makes me even more frustrated.
I will miss you, a lot I must say.
Feel free, anytime to be in touch.
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