Saturday, 19 June 2010

New blog on the block

I've done it! With a little advice from lovely fellow bloggers
There is a new blog called beautiful world. I've invited the fifteen people who said they definitely wanted to be part of it. So I'm now waiting on them to agree or not to the email requesting their company as fellow authors. Although not sure how much they'll say when it's a photography blog!!

I've washed by hand all my cashmere jumpers I can't tell you how many that is, it's too shameful, they go back twenty years!It took me an hour this morning.

I've finally finished my accounts for the year ready for the accountant next week.

So you can see I'm getting better.

I still have a lot of pain in my chest, but it's fine during the day it just hurts when I'm in bed. So still not getting enough sleep, as when it wakes me it's taken a while to get back off again I'm in so much pain.

Tomorrow I'll rest!


Merry ME said...

Good work, Mandy.
I must say, you address illness much differently than I. If my bed doesn't work, then I head for the nearest chair or couch! It never would have occurred to me to hand wash anything, much less 20 jumpers (sweaters?)

Regardless, I'm glad you're somewhat better - and on the road to recovery.

My pictures won't be the quality of the others but I'll send one or two that move me.

Thanks for being such a good instigator.

Lyn said...

Way to go Mandy! I can't wait to see the results. I am sure you will have an enthusiastic gaggle of followers before you know it. Feel better my friend!

TALON said...

The new blog is beautiful, Mandy! You did an amazing job. Thank you. I'm proud to contribute and already the posts are so beautiful and interesting.

I hope you start getting the rest you need. You're certainly not slowing down very much! Take care of YOU!

Von said...

Well day tomorrow?

Mel said...


You're just as bad as I am! Tomorrow--rest!

(yeah, right....LOL)

The weblog is wonderful--I love the header. It's awesome.

And the laptop is at the 'puter doctor (which of course is where the vast majority of my photos are--if they lose ' worries, I have a back up. OH WAIT!!)

I'll have a go at seeing how to do that from the backup source later. (duh me!) And in the meantime--I do have a few sweaters that could stand a washing...

JUST sayin'. LOL

((((((( the byrdie ))))))))

Spadoman said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! I'm sending good positive ebergy your way.
Can't wait to see the photography blog.


nitebyrd said...

Glad you're feeling better. I'm off to sign up/confirm/whatever for the new blog.

I've already started looking for some beauty in my area. I know it's there, I just have to look more closely!

Unknown said...

OMG! Mandy! Look after yourself and be better soon, please! And your new blog is STUNNING!

trousers said...

Thanks FB - I'm really happy to be part of the new blog, and greatly appreciate you inviting me x

Sorrow said...

Glad to read you are feeling better!
( and your blog gave me the boot!)

Paula said...

Love to heqr all about it! Photography blog sounds good! Pleqse send me link; sent email to you today. Love

Carol said...

I'm loving the photography blog! It looks absolutely amazing.

You washed 20 jumpers...blimey...if that's what you do when your feeling run down I'm a bit scared of what you achieve when your fighting fit!!

Hope you feel better soon

C x

Anonymous said...

Your new blog looks great.
Hope your health continues to improve steadily.

All the best, Boonsong

Rach said...

Hope you start to feel better real soon Mandy..xx

Anonymous said...

Twenty years of that's a love affair! Understandable one too. Cashmere can certainly bring a little softness into our lives. Get well soon

karen said...

Hi! I hope you are feeling better and I do love the new blog, and will publicise it on mine today!

LindyLouMac said...

I am thrilled to be joining you in the collective blog project, so glad we found each other.

I am also sorry to read that you have been unwell, here's hoping you feel much better soon.