I loved the reflection on the water and the washed out colour palette here, with the snow topped wall just visible.
The hill at the end of the reservoir is the one we have to climb. So starting well I slip on the ice, crumpling my legs up underneath me, other than my dignity I wasn't hurt!
We came across these fabulous trees spanning a small stream. The Lichen was the most astonishing colour. I've never seen it that shade of yellow before. The stones round about were green with copper in, so whether that had affected the lichen I don't know.
This is the highest part of the walk on our way to the Forest Chapel after coming through the forset. Which in fact is a little used Church which has a service once a month. The gravestones dated back to the mid eighteenth century which was pretty specatcular.
Finally on the way back down to get to the pub for lunch of hot pie and a glass of cider. We walked for two hours, which wasn't bad for a first walk back. We probably only did about 5 miles as the walk was very steep and the path icy, so we took our time.By the time we'd finished my foot knew about it! But since we'd walked mainly on a road surface it wasn't as painful as it could have been.
5 miles is quite a walk for your first time. That is amazing. You did great. I love the photos.
You did GREAT. - a fellow sufferer relates here! Well done. Walking in the winter wonderland. Happy that you had a lovely time.
Five miles? It's a major treck even here! Lovely view and great company will make the walk seem shorter.
Well done on your walk.
Love the winter trees photo.
Lalala....walkin' in a winter wonderland.....*humming*
Oh, what gorgeous photos--the lichen is awesome and the reflections with the snow, oh my... What a beautiful place you chose to slip and land on your arse. ;-)
Good surroundings, good company....good choice for that first walk!
((((((( the byrdie )))))))
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Mandy -- love your breathtaking photos ... I feel as though I walked with you. I hope your spirits are higher and that you are experiencing a measure of peace. Love and hugs, Lyn
How could you walk five miles and take such stunning photos too? Weren't your hands wrapped up in mittens? I worried that there would be ice. I think you are a super woman! I walk around the mall and think I'm hot stuff!
MerryME - it wasn't as chilly as it looks, mainly I think because the air was still. Icy underfoot, yes, but not uncomfortable for stopping and taking pics (I didn't bring my camera along).
I can confirm that it was a stunning setting for a walk - really atmospheric too - and that Fire Byrd had made her first "proper" walk more challenging than I would have expected :)
Ooh love the photos. Glad you managed to go for a walk. =)
Send some snow over this direction ;)
And now relax and enjoy a wonderful quiet Christmas! We have -13°C here today. VERY cold indeed. So I am NOT going for longs walks with Paco. Take care, dearest Mandy!
You must be thrilled to be walking again!
And out and about , FREEDOM. I didn't read any mention of Trix, was she at home wishing for walking and hot cider too?
Thank you for taking us along on your lovely walk. It looks so beautiful! And what a great walk for you on your recovered foot! Yay!
Hugs and butterflies,
what beautiful photos, the lichen is stunning! Glad you enjoyed your first walk since recovering from your broken foot
Great walk! such a contrast, that iciness, to the hot humidity here! I love the idea of the pub lunch as a reward for finishing the walk! :)
How beautiful Mandy. The colors in the photos do look so serene and cold! I'm glad you stopped for a warm lunch and a well deserved foot rest.
So glad you were able to get out on your foot again! That was quite a hike you took, but that pub lunch at the end of your walks certainly always sounds lovely!
The photo of the trees is especially beautiful. Lovely views, all around.
So glad to hear your foot's healed so well & you're back out walking. Thanks for the lovely photos, no snow here so great to see some pretty winter views...the beach is not so pretty in this weather ;)
Best wishes for you and your boys this Xmas, hope it is not too difficult. Love BG Xx
Pixie ~ I am wishing you & your boys, a truly blessed & peaceful yuletide ~ and a much nicer 2010 xo
thanks tons for all of your support, care, love and help over the past few months.. I am slowly peeking out from behind the clouds of sadness..
look forward to catching up in 2010... You are the best !!
You did well considering and what some wonderful pics.
Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas
I hope you r foot is feeling better.
That's quite the hike for your first time after injuring it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year
WOW! Five miles! That's wonderful!
Sounds like a great day. Thank you for the beautiful pictures, too!
I'm glad to know your foot is healed, and thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. You have had many ups and downs this year. I hope the next one is good for you and your sons.
Beautiful images, FireByrd!
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