In 45 minutes it will be Christmas Day in England. It is already in Australia, and it will be in America in five hours after here . The rest of the world has similar times give or take a couple of hours.
So from the bottom of my heart I wish for you a Happy and Joyous Christmas.
And if it's not for whatever reason then I hope that in the New Year life gets better.
Remembering that we are in charge of our own happiness, (give or take family life and illness!)And that we can choose to make our worlds okay whatever is going on for us.
And please don't think I'm talking through my arse here, as my list of painful things that I have survived is huge. And I have always had a choice.
We start a new decade and in this country according to recent research half the population would say that this year has been their worst ever.
With that thought as the song says..... Things can only get better!!!
Love you
Lots and Lots
to you dear Byrd!
and Always...
Merry Christmas to you, also. I'm in the USA and it's almost Christmas Day now! Your blog is very nice and the photos are BEAUTIFUL!
merry christmas Mandy - I hope its a special one for you and that 2010 makes all your dreams come true! love v
Dearest Mandy, may this new year become your best year ever!!! I wish you every good thing - a splendid house sale, a new home in Devon, durable health, joy all around, sons who take their lives into their own hands and will thrive, a new love... may you be blessed! Thank you for your friendship, Mandy!
Honey, a very happy X-mas to you. You had a very challenging year and you made it through. You cam out wiser, richer in experience and knowledge about yourself. Love you.
love you Pix xoxo
it is over for me for another year... and i really hope that 2010 is better than 2009..yes, it has been my worst year ever!!
(((((( the byrdie )))))))
HUGE wishes for a peacefilled holiday and new year.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I hope 2010 is a better year for us all, but before then have a happy christmas xx
Merry Christmas Byrd,
My year has been made easier by your words and friendship. May you know joy and love from all over the blogosphere.
Blessings and peace,
And I wish you a great 2010 too x x x
Best wishes for a serene Christmas... and a rock n roll 2010!
Love, happiness, prosperity and laughter to you and your loved ones,
Lola xx
Here's to a better 2010 Byrdie! I have enjoyed your posts so much.Much love to you. I reflect all the sentiments expressed here Mandy,wishing you every good thing always. xxxxxx
I hope you had a wonderful day, FireByrd, all things notwithstanding - and here's hoping that 2010 is filled with all and only the very best of everything! xxx
Hope you had a lovely peaceful christmas. And may 2010 be better for all of us!
not only can things only get better -eventually (i would like to believe) they always do. it is up to us though how willing we are to invite in the changes needed to bring resolution closer.
Love to you and peace. Taking charge of our own happiness is necessary. Guilt, be damned! Life is too short, I think.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas.
So many ups and downs and so much light and shade - but your warmth and wisdom and sheer humanity remain consistent, and long may that be the case.
Wishing you many good things for the New Year.
Thanks for your words of wisdom, Mandy-Fire Byrd. The truth is that holidays can make what's hurting-hurt worse. Still---take a deep breath---and remember that we can choose to see and appreciate all that is good around us. May your 2010 be a year that is crowned with health and happiness.
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