I've changed the pictures on my side bar for two reasons.
The first relates to the header, in that I was driving to Buxton the other day. It was a glorious sunny day with piercing blue skies, except the hills in the distance were covered in white cloud at the base whilst the tops peeped out through the mist. And I thought it was so beautiful I stopped to take pictures.
The second reason is cause it feels I've got hills to climb at the moment metaphorically. I'm at the bottom of a hill, I can't quite see the top as the path meanders around the hill before it gets to the summit. I must be careful I don't get lost in the wood for the trees!
I know it's only a hill though and not a mountain, and the path maybe steep in parts but I won't need any special equipment to go up the path other than my stout walking boots, my pole and warm clothes.
I have my rucksack with me, with a flask of coffee, my first aid kit, a pair of binoculars and a pile of tissues to help me on my way.
I know I can get to the top, it may take some time, but I've done it before. I've had similar hills to climb before. And this is only a short walk compared to some I've had in the last 24 years.
The weather is grey at the bottom of this hill right now, but who knows it maybe like my real journey the other day and get warm and sunny as I progress along the path.
And although you may not be right beside me right now, I know your rooting for me and cheering me along the path. And that will sustain me as I go.
dear byrd
I read your comments at Mel's and thought it was time I paid you a visit - hope you don't mind!
metaphorical hills and woods with trees are hard - good luck with your journey
have some of this to sustain you (altho your rucksack seems very well packed!)
and a hug and smile for those moments when you might need one
This beautiful pix of hills and mountains remind on a quote I heard first in the mountains of Mexico and are forever connected with mountains for me:
"If u dont understand my silence, u wont understand my silence"
Yepp, my dear Mandy, I am on your side. Having tissues ready. You go girl. Love and hugs
Too right we are with you every step of the way, and can laugh with you, cry with you and be there for you {{hugs}} xx
... climb every mountain, ford every stream ... we're here.
Awwwwww....what a lovely view. I guess if all we do is look at the mountains and don't see the valley's inbetween, they could seem quite ominous and overwhelming. But I'll note that you stopped to take the photo cuz you saw the beauty, even on a gray day. That's a very good thing--but I'm sure you know that.
I'm honoured to be a part of the journey....that you'd let me, that you'd let US be. As one who retreats and tries to brave storms 'solo' cuz it's what I'm practiced at, I admire the willingness..truly. I'll learn from watching you--I've learned already.
(((((( the byrdie ))))))
Gorgeous view.
I'm honoured to make the trek with you, ma'am.
GO attitude!!!
one step at a time, the ant told the turtle (i made that up)...
here's wishing you a smile or two along the way....
Been climbing that hill meself this past 18 months, wanna me to hold ya hand cos sometimes its easier to climb with someones hand to hold........
Beautiful photos...
Mandy, I am not walking in your shoes so I can only imagine what emotions you are having and challenges you are facing. It is ironic that you use the mountains and valleys in your post as I have always taught my children to expect mountains and valleys in their lives. We need the valleys to appreciate the views from the mountains. You seem to be in the shadows of the mountain and somehow life has a way of turning... I like to think of it as a law of nature ... the tide comes in and then goes out. Change is a certainty and since you have been living under a cloud, the sun will surely shine soon. Take care and consider yourself hugged.
The photos ar amazing. I could get lost in the view. There is peace in those photos. I would love to be there by your side. We would take a pick nick and enjoy every moment. As time flies by. I have learned to separate my self mentally from things that are happening. Because in the past I was over taken to the pint of despair. When you get to the edge you learn you have to find gratitude every day to help you get by. And separate my kids life from mine mentally. Like right now my youngest daught has lost her job. today she calls and has ran out of propane to heat the house. All I could do is offer her to stay here. We live on disability ss for my hubby and have only enough to survive our self. So I can not add her pain to my mental being as I have burred my own pain. I release all mental pain in order to continue living.
I wish only happiness for you, so you can survive. I love how you painted a picture with your words in this post. I can see you are looking through the clouds and please belive there is sun shine and happiness at the top of that hill. XXX
That's just about the best description of life's challenges I've read lately. You got friends, right behind you. We've been there, can tell you it's not so scary once you start.
What beautiful, beautiful views! Sometimes I dream that i can fly, about 10 metres above the earth. It makes me feel so free and happy.
C`mon, let`s just jump up and fly together! Over the hills and bogs and trees... and then come down to eat the things from your rucksack. Remember that peace we had in Kamminke! All will be well, Mandy.
Onward and upward, my dear, and there's another clear analogy with those photos - they're as beautiful and indomitable as your spirit.
wow, stunning photos! And your amazing attitude - onwards and upwards to that sunny summit :)
Love the photos and the metaphor.
I'm here cheering you on. I wonder what kind of beautiful flowers there are on the top of the hill. Dying to find out once you get there, also want to know what else you find along the way.
Many hugs
We all will help you climb, honey. Don't you ever worry about that. You really aren't alone...:)
the views are beautiful even though the path is tough, good luck with meeting your challenges....
know that you are not alone dear Mandy, we are all on that same trail, it is life with all it's up's and down's, and a good metaphor indeed.
hugs* xoxo
We sing the elephant song from the Jungle Book as we go marching down the road. Elephant noises (or as close as possible) and all. Sending love to you x
I wish you all the best in this latest challenging journey, dear Mandy. You will make it to the top of this hill, where I hope the weather will be just right and the view will be spectacular.
We bloody well sure are love! Feel those virtual loving hands giving you a pat on the bum to remind you we're here whenever you feel weary, and a huge hug whenever you feel you cannot continue the climb...
Nice post.
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