Just as an aside, not only am I being offered Viagra at all times of the day and night, I'm now getting spam offering to help me find a Russian bride.....
Get me out of here NOW!!!!
Normal service will be resumed when I stop laughing.
Are you talking about your blog. I had to turn on the captcha to stop ir. I turned it off one day last week and here cam Japanese writing. I use translate and it did not make sense. You may have to turn it on too. or keep deleting . It seem the spam bot is hitting every one. They have gone back month to hit mine. As I moderate my comments. It is not a person but a bot. That is how web sites get infected too. So batten down the hatches.
Well that's very thoughtful and helpful of them, you never know, a Russian bride might be useful to have around the place, help with the house work and that...
Ah, Byrd! You definitely rise from the ashes. I must acknowledge your sense of humor, and regardles of the chaos and heartbreak swirling around this planet at this time, you rise, in a peal of laughter.
Yes I've been offered Russian brides and countless other amusing things that wouldn't enhance my life.The Bride is tempting, I could do with a good housekeeper.
I'd be quite happy to swap :)
LOL Well, dang--they did make use of that email forward I sent them!
JUST kidding! ;-)
Make sure you order the pills before you order the woman.
Are you talking about your blog. I had to turn on the captcha to stop ir. I turned it off one day last week and here cam Japanese writing. I use translate and it did not make sense. You may have to turn it on too. or keep deleting . It seem the spam bot is hitting every one. They have gone back month to hit mine. As I moderate my comments. It is not a person but a bot. That is how web sites get infected too. So batten down the hatches.
Well that's very thoughtful and helpful of them, you never know, a Russian bride might be useful to have around the place, help with the house work and that...
Have you had any extensions to the meat and two veg recently, these seemed to have died off, I can only hope that these spam mails do to xx
Personally, I'm as questioning of some of these comments as I am the spam offers!
Ok, in Germany there is a website where you can design and bake a man to your liking. Just to not let the VIagra go to waste...
The Russain bride ones are priceless aren't they?...lol...funnily enough we don't get many Russain grooms do we?..xx
Ah, Byrd! You definitely rise from the ashes. I must acknowledge your sense of humor, and regardles of the chaos and heartbreak swirling around this planet at this time, you rise, in a peal of laughter.
Go girl!
Haven't had that one.
I have been left a lot of money though.
Yes I've been offered Russian brides and countless other amusing things that wouldn't enhance my life.The Bride is tempting, I could do with a good housekeeper.
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