Monday 19 October 2009

Todays photo: River Manifold Derbyshire and a decision

Oh my how to feel loved and cherished in one collective hug, thank you.
As I said in my last post I do love my blog, so it does now feel very harsh to shut it down.
So this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to put just photographs up for a while and then if I feel like it a written post.
What I have done though is to take the comments box off the end.
It's the comments I'm struggling with, or sometimes the lack of them. Although I'm a very sorted out person the thing that comes back and bites me over and over is that feeling of being lost and not worthy of friends. So it's not to do with anyone person it's to do with my having gone to that place too many times recently. Maybe cause I've haven't had too much else to do and the computer has taken on to big a role that needs balancing inside me a bit.
So for the time being I need to protect that small child by not being open to comments, or to statistics, so I can get to a healthier place.
I will continue to visit people on my blog roll when I can.
I will continue to maintain all my email relationships and if anyone does want to contact me that doesn't already have my address then try: and I'll get back to you