Thursday, 11 November 2010

Lest we forget.

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the guns became silent.
In memory of all those that perished in the War to end all wars and all conflicts since, up until the almost daily account of yet another death from which ever country there is still war. We will remember you. And we will salute the people who are left, the loved ones who have to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. This is not the time to discuss the futility of war. It is a time for me to bow my head and to show my gratitude that they died so I may lead the life I have in the way I have it.

In my pretty blog I've added a new person on my blog roll. He was there before, but he is so difficult to read. It makes my heart bleed when I read about the distress he is in. So if you want to know what it's like being a war vet who suffers from really bad PTSD check out Blood in the Sand. It hurts reading it and we should read his words to understand.


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Well said.

Also, you won my giveaway - congratulations. When you have a minute pop over and send me your particulars so I can get your necklace to you.

nitebyrd said...

Beautiful post, Byrd.

Angela said...

Thank you for this, Mandy. As we discussed before, our grandfathers were on opposite sides, but all the soldiers who died are now united. And what is wonderful: SO ARE WE! So their sacrifice has NOT ben in vain.

Merry ME said...


TALON said...


GaynorB said...

Lovely post. I completely agree with you.

Mel said...

You're right. It's a tough read, a powerful read--filled with emotional moments in black and white.

And I thank you for the rememberance.
And the honour bestowed to every one who helped bring us to where we are today..... Forgive me. There's just so much my heart can bare.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Thank you for your remembrance - may we never forget how much was given by those who fought to protect our world. I will check out your friend's blog in a few days/

Anonymous said...

Both yours and his posts do justice to those who serve their country Byrd. Pain and sacrifice. We owe them much. Thank you for your kind words recently.xx

karen said...

Hi Mandy, I have come to see it as a sort of ritual, looking for a moving post from you on remembrance days..

I loved your earlier post too, you sound happy!

Zan said...

Beautiful words.

Peace!...with 2 fingers ;) said...

Wonderful words.

Peace!...with 2 fingers;)