So going out into my front garden, we go to the end of the drive
Here is the damson tree that marks the driveway into the school opposite
We'll walk down the drive, the school is an old Victorian House set in 20 acres of land. It's where I'm chair of governors
Recently the Victorian fountain has been restored in the sunken garden
The trees in the grounds are just wonderful and I love seeing them as the seasons change.
Coming out of the school grounds we go down a hill to the old railway track, which is now a favourite dog walking trail.
It takes us to Rudyard lake, after which Rudyard Kipling was named, his parents honeymooned here!

We are going to walk all round, it is a very special place to me and one I come to a lot.

We come full circle round the lake to where we started, and we will return back along the track, up the horribly steep hill, which was never this steep on the way down!!
So you have now walked 7 miles I hope you are feeling good at having walked off the chocolate cake!
So now come into my house before you go and I'll stick the kettle on and maybe cause we've used so much energy up we could have another piece of cake, cause I think we deserve it.
What beautiful scenery you have Byrd, one I hope soon I will share that walk with you with pleasure....can I have some choccy cake too...ta..xx
Ha ha word verif "allies"
i am exhausted from that walk!
Who would have thought!
7 miles!
what an energetic Byrd you are, but couldn't we have done it faster the way the byrd flies?
I'll take some dreadful American coffee, and you can have the cake!
Thanks for the stroll love,
it's always fun to go for a walk with you!
Can I have another walk around and THEN a cuppa coffee?
Or maybe just half a walk around and a sit at the lake.
Or.....in the garden for coffee and THEN a sit at the lake....
Oh my! Fire Byrd! Now I really must come on that walk, the virtual one is so INCREDIBLY tempting. What a gorgeous place you live in, I love it. The trees, the lake,the fountain, Rudyard Kipling,I would walk it everyday if I could. Thank you for this, and the tea and cake too!
thank you for the lovely walk, it sure has set me up for the day! lovely pictures again ms byrd
Crikey, I didn't realise you lived in such a fabulous place. Your lake is gorgeous. I'm also so impressed that all your pictures are in a line and where you want them to be (I struggle to get just one behaving itself).
Thank you for your lovely comment on mine - I'm just a bit blue at the moment. It happens....hopefully it will pass. Onset of winter doesn't help and, as you know, it's been a pig of a year (and that's rude to pigs).
Yup, slice of cake here please....that LBD will have to wait!
One day I'll actually get there to DO that walk with you!
Geez, if I did a photo take of my usual walk, it would be to the pubs and back!
Wow, what a gorgeous walk! I hope I get to do it in real life one day - it's so lovely. Now be a dear and pass the tea and another slice of Angela's excellent chocolate cake (no! don't tell me you ate it all!) ;-)
wow what lovely pics and fabulous walk - will come with you on the next one - and as for the cake....
Rudyard Lake hey? where is that?
oh and i tagged you for a meme - hehe
Love the shot of the Rudyard lake - looks a beautiful area. Seven miles with hills is quite a walk!
How very beautiful. Gazing up at the trees were my favorite part.
Been there, done that.....
....and really enjoyed it! x
ps do you think they're making the word verifications more like actual words, rather than a hard-to-decipher jumble of letters? This one is "medrosen"
You are all so kind.
It is a beautiful place to live. But it is insular and parochial and does my head in. I've been here for 20 years and it's time to go, so Devon is calling, if I can sell my house next year.
I'd love any of you, all of you to come visit in reality any time.
Next party date is 6thDecember. And me and trousers get to do the walk before the party!But there will be curry not cake to eat!
Gorgeous pics! I understand what you are saying about needing to leave, though--sometimes beauty can be a trap.
All the pics are gorgeous but the one of the tree at the end of your drive is breathaking!
Gorgeous photos thanks FB, I ate all the cake whilst you lot were out walking...sorry ;)
BG x
angel, good to see you again. it's not the beauty of the place it's the people I used to call my friends!
DJ, lovely to see you too. I took that photo last winter on a wonderful icy morning.
BG, it was you who ate all the cake.... pah!
Thats a beautiful neighbourhood
With scienery like that I can see how anyone could walk for miles enjoying the content this world has to offer
You live in a absolutely beautiful place. Could I have some Scotch instead of tea?
Fantastic pics, and lovely to see where you live. It looks very beautiful.
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